
keras-adf provides implementations of probabilistic assumed density filtering (ADF) based version of layers commonly used in neural networks. They are to be used within the Tensorflow/Keras framework. Unlike the standard (deterministic) Keras layers that propagate point estimates, ADF layers propagate a probability distribution parametrized by its mean and (co-)variance.

We think it is best to show the core concepts of the package by a simple exemplary demonstration.

For this let us define a simple feed-forward model with fully-connected ADF layers.

We begin by importing the relevant Keras and keras-adf layers.

>>> from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input
>>> from tensorflow.keras.models import Model
>>> from kerasadf.layers import Dense

Every model begins with its input. Since we propagate the mean and (co-)variance through the ADF layers we need two inputs instead of just one.

>>> mean_in = Input((32,))
>>> variance_in = Input((32,))

Next, we define a fully-connected hidden layer with rectified linear unit (ReLU) activations and a fully-connected output layer with no activation.

>>> mean_hidden, variance_hidden = Dense(64, activation="relu")([mean_in, variance_in])
>>> mean_out, variance_out = Dense(1)([mean_hidden, variance_hidden])

The complete model can now be assembled exactly like any other Keras model.

>>> model = Model([mean_in, variance_in], [mean_out, variance_out])

We have defined a dense feed-forward neural network with 32-dimensional input space, a 64-dimensional hidden representation space, and a 1-dimensional output space. The model summary looks like this:

>>> model.summary()  
Model: "model"
Layer (type)                    Output Shape         Param #     Connected to
input_1 (InputLayer)            [(None, 32)]         0
input_2 (InputLayer)            [(None, 32)]         0
dense (Dense)                   [(None, 64), (None,  2112        input_1[0][0]
dense_1 (Dense)                 [(None, 1), (None, 1 65          dense[0][0]
Total params: 2,177
Trainable params: 2,177
Non-trainable params: 0

This model can now be used like any other Keras model: It can be trained after providing a loss function and an optimizer, it can be saved and restored, it can be used to make predictions, …